Sunday, October 2, 2016

[Video] Should a Christian Vote?

This question comes up almost every election cycle, especially ones as contentious as this one. You may not agree with everything he had to say (I didn't), but I hope that this video at least gets a conversation started. I recommend watching/listening to the video in its entirety, but if you simply have a question on a specific aspect, I have listed all his points and where to find them in the video. As always, I welcome your comments below.

  1. Christians are primarily citizens of another kingdom. 6:26
  2. It is not necessarily wrong to feel some patriotism. 7:22
  3. The concept of voting or choosing leaders is biblical. 9:37
  4. Christians should not allow political parties to divide them. 13:29
  5. Voting demonstrates that we respect the authority of the political system in our nation as established by God. 18:17
  6. It is one way that we can obey God's command to seek the good of those around us and our nation as a whole. 20:48
  7. It demonstrates we care about who our leaders are. 35:03
  8. Jesus calls us to make a difference in society and use our influence good in our nation. 36:05
  9. It is a privilege that if not exercised could be lost. 39:55
  10. Not voting can be a form of voting as it will influence the outcome. 42:18
  11. Voting is a part of our stewardship to use all the resources we have been given in ways that honor God; it may be wasting a vote is squandering a gift. 46:12

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