Thursday, May 24, 2012

Finding Your True Voice

Sometime we get so used to doing things one way that we fail to realize that it is the wrong way.

Not too long ago I was reading out loud too my wife when my infant daughter decided to make her contribution.  I had two choices: stop talking and wait, or talk louder.  I chose the latter, and in the process discovered something interesting.  For an unknown amount of time, I had been talking incorrectly.

Since I am not versed in the scientific terminology, I will do my best to describe what happened in laymen's terms. As many of you probably have noticed, when a person get stressed, their voice tends to get somewhat higher in pitch (that is a bass can sound like a tenor and so forth). By attempting to talk louder I relaxed the muscles in my throat and my true, and noticeably (at least to me) deeper voice came out.  This got me thinking, What other hidden habits do I need to change?

Have you suddenly noticed a bad habit that you were previously unaware of?  If so, please share in the comments section below.