Sunday, June 27, 2010

Rejoicing in His Works

Psalm 104:31-32  31 May the glory of the LORD endure forever; may the LORD rejoice in his works- 32 he who looks at the earth, and it trembles, who touches the mountains, and they smoke.

God rejoices in His works, and so can we.

As I finished reading Psalm 104, I could not recall ever reading it before. The main reason for thinking that way is that verses 5-9 show that the author understood the proper concept of the world-wide flood. This passage shows me that the psalms were not written in a vacuum by some ignorant poet, but by someone with a intricate knowledge of biblical truth.

The psalm as a whole talks about the natural world, and more specifically, its dependence upon God. This thought is thought is, as they say, right up my alley because I am an avid student of nature. Now when I say "student" it doesn't mean that I sit around reading textbooks. I am more a student by way of observation, both directly (as in going outside) and indirectly (as in watching videos, etc. on the web). I am finding that if I am open, I can learn quite a bit from nature. Notice that I used the word "from" not "about" because "about" for me implies the technical aspects of nature like how many vertebrae are in a cat's spine. While it may be interesting to know such facts (and important if you intend to become a veterinarian), we lose out if our knowledge only goes that far.

There is a lot of things I could say on this subject, but by going into them I would lose sight of what the text is trying to say to me. The focus of the text is rejoicing. So as you go about your days, take the time to rejoice in God's works because in them we can see His glory.

1 comment:

  1. Yes. The nature has so many good lessons to teach us. One of the quotations I read today says: "Ministering angels open the eyes of the mind and heart to see wonderful things in the divine law, in the natural world, and in the eternal things revealed by the Holy Spirit." ML 291 Have a blessed day my dearest husband!
