Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Considering His Love

Psalm 107:43 Whoever is wise, let him heed these things and consider the great love of the LORD.

Regardless of the situation we find ourselves in, we can consider God's love, and know that He wants to deliver us.

Psalm 107 is basically a series of scenarios. There is no specific historical connection for these scenarios so it's best to take them in a general, illustrative sense. A theme that runs through all these scenarios is that people found themselves in negative situations and God came to their aid. It is interesting to note that of the four situations mentioned, two of them came as a result of the people's own foolishness. In one case their negative situation came as a result of direct rebellion against God, yet God saved them when they cried out to Him. In the other, the rebellion is there but is more generalized, yet the deliverance is still the same. In fact, upon closer examination, verses 6, 13, 19, and 28 are almost exactly the same. I decided to look up those verses in the original Hebrew and discovered that aside from a slight variation in verse 28, they are exactly the same. All the key words are the same, the differences in the NIV came by way of translation. Therefore, the thought is quite clear. If you cry out to the LORD, He will deliver you from your distress.

This comes as great comfort to me because, like many people, I have things that distress me. Some of these things came as a result of my own rebellion, and some simply came upon me like a storm. Whatever the case, I can take heed to the things I read in Psalm 107 and consider God's great love for me that if I cry out to Him, He will deliver me from my distress.

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